
Friday, March 26, 2010

Meagan vs Baby

Well, as most of you know, I watch a little girl during the day. She's adorable and has recently started getting her first tooth, trying to learn to crawl, eating new foods and trying to sleep through the night. Well, all of this happening to her at the same time I think is messing me up. This week she and I have had such a hard time. Usually we are able to have a lot of fun, laugh together, play, sleep, and rest. This week has been exhausting though. She can't seem to sleep longer than 20 minutes at a time, and that's only after three attempts or so to even get her to stay asleep after I put her down. Every time I walk out of her line of sight she screams and is inconsolable until I hold her - which I make myself not do as often as I can stand. Justin has tried helping, but she doesn't seem interested in him unless I'm sitting right there too.

I am just emotionally and physically worn out. Today I also watched a 20 month old little girl and the two of them together was almost too much for me. I'm not sure if something is wrong with me or if it was just a bad day for them. I've watched them together before and it was great.

I guess all I can do is pray that next week will be better. This weekend I'll have time to clean up all the baby stuff for a few days and maybe get some housework done.

Here's hoping that when it's my own children I'll feel differently.

1 comment:

The Bryger Family said...

Things are different with your own kids, even with your own kids there will be days like you had today and you might even feel the same way. But you are amazing, deep breaths, and maybe sing a primary song, that ususally helps me when I am having a day like you had today. :)
