
Monday, April 16, 2012

My sweet baby!

I love reading my friends' blogs, but my favorite parts are always the pictures. So, for my first post in SUCH a long time, I think I'll just post some pictures. Many stories to come.

My favorite picture from Easter
Bethany loves her daddy!
too cute.
It was amazing she sat still long enough to get this photo.
Me and my (mostly) sweet Bethany :)

Thursday, June 17, 2010


So, I'm not sure how often people actually look at my blog. I thought about getting one of those counter things, but I think that would just shatter my ego if I found out that I only get like, 5 hits a year or something. So...since I'm not sure if anyone is looking, I just wanted to put this out there anyway...

I'm currently renovating my blog. I can't renovate my house because I rent, so my blog it is! Please excuse any crazy stuff going on. I'll let you know when it's done.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Spring is Bustin' out all over!

I love spring, especially here in Colorado. It's so beautiful everywhere! While my mom was here, she helped me clean out the front flower bed and clean it up to give everything room to come up. We've got various flowers, most of which I have no idea what they are, coming up in the front. Yesterday, I discovered that we have lettuce growing in our garden. Lots of it!
Yesterday, I cleaned out the back flower bed and Justin mowed the lawn for the first time this spring. We went to the store and got a bunch of seeds and some flowers for me to plant.
I've never really had a real garden or flower bed before, so we'll see if I can pull this off. My strategy is to plant, water, and see what happens. I don't have the knowledge to know exactly when to plant stuff, exactly how much to water, how to keep them pruned the right way, or anything like that. So, if it's a mess, at least it'll be a colorful mess.
I did buy some tomato plants, I would really love to get some tomatoes this year.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Meagan vs Baby

Well, as most of you know, I watch a little girl during the day. She's adorable and has recently started getting her first tooth, trying to learn to crawl, eating new foods and trying to sleep through the night. Well, all of this happening to her at the same time I think is messing me up. This week she and I have had such a hard time. Usually we are able to have a lot of fun, laugh together, play, sleep, and rest. This week has been exhausting though. She can't seem to sleep longer than 20 minutes at a time, and that's only after three attempts or so to even get her to stay asleep after I put her down. Every time I walk out of her line of sight she screams and is inconsolable until I hold her - which I make myself not do as often as I can stand. Justin has tried helping, but she doesn't seem interested in him unless I'm sitting right there too.

I am just emotionally and physically worn out. Today I also watched a 20 month old little girl and the two of them together was almost too much for me. I'm not sure if something is wrong with me or if it was just a bad day for them. I've watched them together before and it was great.

I guess all I can do is pray that next week will be better. This weekend I'll have time to clean up all the baby stuff for a few days and maybe get some housework done.

Here's hoping that when it's my own children I'll feel differently.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Today was a beautiful day. It was probably in the high 60s and sunny, just wonderful. We opened the windows and enjoyed the fresh air. We took a nice walk in the sun and didn't have to bundle up!!! Maybe spring is finally getting here. Thank goodness.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Talkin' Fancy Talk

Today I've been reading my friends' blogs and I love the way a lot of them write. I have never been a great writer, but I always was able to do well in my classes in college and have always have fairly good grammar and spelling, and all that. I think that since college, my language skills have really gone downhill. I feel like I can't write and express my thoughts as eloquently as I use to be able to.

At the same time though, I've always been better at...technical writing, I guess you would call it. Writing research papers and factual statements was always a bit easier for me than writing fancy and emotionally pleasing words. I guess I'm just less artistic than I wish I was.

And now, my post is done. I'm not that great at expounding on my thoughts either.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Growing Up

Yesterday was Justin's birthday. He's 26 now! It makes me feel like I'm married to an adult now. No offense, honey.
We went out to eat at a nice place and just vegged the rest of the day. I usually have a big honey-do list for Justin, but he got to spend the day working on his computers and watching movies. I hope he had a good birthday.

Today was great. The little girl I watch during the day has started eating solid foods. Today she ate pears and we had a lot of fun. I think she really enjoys the food. She was much happier than normal today.

The most exciting news is that Justin got a promotion today! I don't know much of the details, but he called me from work to tell me really quickly that he was promoted to a higher level/status of his current position. If I find out any good details, I'll let you all know!

I'm so proud of him.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

New Suit

Here is Justin in his new suit! So handsome. It's not a perfect fit - but he sure looks good.

*Update: please excuse the orange walls, that's the color they were when we moved in. They're hideous and have since been painted a nice soft brown.

Friday, January 22, 2010

New Address

Okay everyone, in case you didn't notice, I just changed our blog address. So, if you have it saved somewhere...update! Thanks.

Great Deal!

For Christmas, I got Justin a new suit. It was really nice, but the fit wasn't the most flattering on him. We took it back and I haven't been very diligent in looking for a new one since. Luckily, the other day I went to the mall, which happens maybe once every 4 months or so. Justin met me there after his class and we walked around for a while and had lunch. While we were walking around, I noticed a store going out of business. We walked in to look and it turns out they had a bunch of suits marked down. We found his size, but they were still too expensive. As soon as we were about to give up, the sales guy walked over and told us that they had to get rid of everything in the next two days and that almost everything was 'name your price.' So...Justin tried on almost all the suits and we found one that looks terrific on him! The original price was $325.00 (which is WAYYYY over budget) but we got it for $100!!!!!! Crazy wonderful. We had to spend another $10 to get the pants hemmed, but I'm so incredibly proud of us for finding such a great deal.

Kinda silly, I know, but exciting!!!